Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Sister Bingham and I have had a great week dreaming of a white Christmas. The weather has been pretty nice, rainy a couple of days. The weather hits 60 and everyone here whips out their scarves and coats... and its starting to wear off on me. We are so excited for Christmas! Although transfers are the day after Christmas. We are crossing our fingers that we get one more transfer together.We have been doing our best to spread the Christmas cheer. We took sugar cookies and icing and what not to an investigators to decorate and have a Christmas family home evening. We taught them about how to hold family home evening as well. It was bueno. This Saturday is the annual breakfast with Santa. Which consists of pancakes and getting your picture taken with a member (who closely resembles Santa). We are planning on going caroling/tracting a bunch next week, and we will be wearing the santa hats that Binghams mom sent us. It will be good times in Rialto.We had a baptism on Saturday for Sammy. She just turned 18 and has been waiting to be baptized for awhile. Everything went really well, and we were really exctied for her. we have been teaching this young couple Teresa and Miguel, who we invited over to a members home for dinner on Sunday and it was superb. Hopefully they will be baptized by the end of the year. Also on Sunday we had the chance to sing in a missionary choir at the Rancho Cucamonga Stake Christmas Program. Woo! what a blast. It was the most fun Sister Cain has seen. They had all these different singers and choirs sing, and then lots of cookies were served. I love this time of year. Everyone is so happy and excited to be a missionary. It is hard to be away from family and friends though. Oh well next year right? awe shoot, I mean the next year after that. :)I love you all, and I hope you have the merriest of Christmas' and remember charity never faileth.

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