Its snowing! I am in the desert of southern California and its snowing! Amazing. All the schools have shut down due to the half inch of snow. The only freeway that connects the desert to the valley is closed. We are held hostage here until the snow stops. It seems a lot colder than it normally does when it snows, and I think that is because I am in a skirt. BREEZY!
Our investigators are doing spledid. We have more progressing investigators right now than I have ever had at one time on my mission. It is such a testimony builder to me that Heavenly Father really does hear and answer our prayers. That he blesses us when we are obedient and diligent.
We went caroling on Monday night with the singles ward for FHE. It was so much fun. We gave the people we caroled to some cookies and then a wrapped present. Either the Book of Mormon, or Joy to the World DVD. Everyone loved it. We are going as a zone tonight and Saturday night. It is such a great way to spread the Christmas and Gospel cheer!
Things here are well. I will talk to you all soon.
loves! Sister Cain.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Baby, It's Cold Outside!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Miracle on Spring Valley Parkway.
Christmas time again! How is it that I have been a missionary for this long? Well, I am still here in Apple Valley, only Sister Rasmussen and Bowers are gone, and I have a greenie. Her name is Sister Harrison. She is from Colorado. She majored in music and plays the harp. She is doing really well and learning really quickly. I must say that training has been quite the humbling experience.
We had a plethora of miracles this past week. This lady Linda that has been coming to church started taking the lessons. She loves it so much that she wants them twice a week. I love it. She reads and reads and reads. On Sunday she brought two friends with her that want to learn too, and then last night she told us that she has another friend! Amazing. Then another member brought a friend to church, and on Monday we went to her house, just to visit. She asked us who Joseph Smith was. We taught her the first. She loved it. She is going to read, and come to church next week. Then in the singles ward a kid who is getting ready to go a mission brought his non member girlfriend to church and she wants to start learning. I cant even tell you how great this week has been. Heavenly Father is blessing us more than I could have ever imagined. After 20 weeks of hard work here we are starting to see the fruits of our labors so to speak. I am loving it.
We are so excited for Christmas. We have multiple caroling activities planned to spread the Christmas cheer. The Christmas spirit does a lot to people. They are much more open to hearing about the Gospel and about Jesus Christ. I love it. Our zone name this transfer is the Grinch zone with the theme of "and then the Grinch thought of something he had never thought of before" so we are doing are best to be creative in finding people to teach that we havent thought of before.
Things are absolutely wonderful here, and I am so excited to be able to talk to you all very soon!
I love you and Merry Christmas!
love Sister candycain.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Well Transfer calls are this Saturday. I havent the slightest clue as to what will happen.All I know is that change really will be a good thing. Especially now. The only sad part about change is that Rass and I will be split up. no good.
Well our little area is doing good. We have our struggles here and there, but what area doesnt. I have gotten a lot of emails telling me to remember that people have their agency. It is such a hard thing to accept and understand. I so badly just want to force my investigators to come to church, or quit smoking but I cant. I dont understand how they have the happiness of the Gospel staring them in the face and they don't grab on and run. We are doing all that we can, most importantly we are trusting in the Lord. We are doing our best to be obedient and hard working and then letting Him do the rest.
Today we have a busy p-day. This morning we didnt want to watch the zone movie, so we watched Funny Girl at member's home instead. (They are the best members too, the Delatores. love them.) After which we had to head down the hill for a choir practice for the Christmas Community Program in December. Its a really great way to do missionary work. We sounded good. We did this same thing last Christmas, and it was my favorite thing of the season. (besides talking to my fam.) Then we are going to a sisters activity after this to say goodbye to Sister Adams. Ciao.
Our investigators our doing...well. Dwayne unfortunately moved in with his girlfriend, which automatically cancelled his baptism. They will be getting married shortly, but they now live in a different ward. Which means a free-bee for the Elders. I dont mind, I just want him baptized. Scott is doing good. Trying really hard to quit smoking and drinking. He started to cry when I told him that transfers were coming. He said that I had been the one from the start and that I had to finish this with him. I told him that the day that he can go to church I will be there and when he is baptized, even if it is after my mission. I love him, he is great.We have a couple new investigators that we are starting to work with. We are still going with Jessica. She is having the trial of a lifetime, and is being faced with the decision of either her family or the church. One that I could NEVER make. Then there is Laura, she needs to come to church. She said she would come to institute tonight, so we will see.
Anyway, things are good here. Can't wait for Thanksgiving. I can't believe its my second! Time really does fly.I love and miss you all.
Keep the letters coming, I still have 12 weeks left!
I still need mail!!
Sister Cainers.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
My 2nd Halloween
Well the transfer is nearly half over, and I cant believe it. Its unreal to me that I am approaching my 2nd set of holidays. I never thought I would. Well everyone keeps telling us that on Halloween is when it starts to get cold, so we are anxiously awaiting for that. I know that 87 degree weather is good, but I am over it and want a change.We dont have any big plans for Halloween, we have to be in at 6 but with the joy of living with members we are going to help hand out candy. woo. That is about as exciting as it gets for us. oh well.
We have had quite the amazing week. Our investigator Jessica who decided to take the lessons last week is loving it. Her Dad is a pentecostal minister and doesnt know that she has been learning from the Mormons. Yesterday she told us that she quit one of her jobs so that she could come to church on Sunday. Can you believe that? A girl who isnt even a member is making bigger sacrifices than most members do to come to church on Sunday. I love it. We watched Testaments last night and we were all crying. 5 girls in one room, not good.
Dwayne is doing great. We had him attend a baptism so that he could see what it was like. He loved it. We teach him tomorrow. He is getting excited for Nov. 16, his big day.We have been fasting a lot lately for the missionary efforts in our ward, and we are really starting to see blessings. We got two member referrals the other day in our family ward, something that never happens. We were pretty excited.
On a side note. The members we live with are hilarious. Well the guy is. He is 80 years old and is one of the funniest old men I have ever met. I will definately be getting a picture. As we were doing service for him the other day he sat the three of us down and started giving us dating advice. He said "sometimes the real jewels are the uglies." So funny. His name is Bob Fuller. I wish everyone had the opportunity to meet him.
Well the threesome down in Apple Valley is hanging in there doing the best we can to represent.well stay classy.
loves sister cain.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
And then there were three....
Well only 3 transfers left, and this is going to be a good one.
I love you all and miss you.
write me and I will write you.
love cainers.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Goodybe Summer, Hello Fall!
The singles ward has been struggling, but we have faith that God will answer our prayers and we will start to see success. We cant believe that there is only 2 weeks left of this transfer. We hope and pray that we will be together next transfer too.I miss you all.
If anyone wants to do the D & C countdown with me it starts on Oct. 1. Read a section a day until I come home! love you all!
love sister cainers.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Hello to All
The other day we were tracting and we ran into this guy who wasnt interested but he kinda acted like Ace on Ace Ventura. (Jim Carrey) In his voice he said "Alright now, have a good day now, buh bye now, be careful out there, bu bye." We are still laughing about it. Man tracting would suck if it werent for the good old crazies. Anyway, things are really great out in the desert. Things are starting to cool down to 95 or 98, so its nice. I am looking forward to the cool air again, cause Ill be honest the gig is up with the heat. Alright, I love you all.
And as the people of Spring Valley Lake would say "May God Bless you"
love sister cain.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
New Area, Old Companion
Hello Everyone!
I have left the hesperia and victorville area and Sister Adams and am now in Apple Valley with good old Sister Bingham. I was her companion down in Rialto, only for 6 short weeks, so I am happy to be with her again. This is her last transfer. She is still working really hard though. Today was our temple day. We missed the 8:15 session that we were supposed to go on. Our ride was 15 mins late, and drove slow enough to make me upset. It ended up being a blessing though because while we waited for the next session they allowed us to do initiatories which I havent done since the first time I went to the Temple. It was incredible. So amazing to be reminded of all the blessings that we have been promised in the temple if we live righteously. I loved it. Afterward our ride took us to Maccaroni grill. It was really gooood. We have been having so much fun. We are over the Spring Valley Lake family ward and the Ridgecrest Singles ward. SVL is all older people. They are two of the funnest wards. The single people are so awkward around eachother. Sometimes I look around for a camera crew just to make sure that I am not in the 3rd singles ward movie, because honestly sometimes I wonder. I swear I wasnt that awkward, but they have me seriously worried about what I might be like when I get home. eee.
The work is going really well. We have some investigators in each ward. One of them in the family ward is a man named Scott that I OYM'd in Hesperia. He is doing so well, and is eating up the gospel. It has been really full circle for me to see. I love it. Our investigator closest to baptism is a little boy named Alucard (dracula backwards). He is 9 years old. His mom is recently re-activated. I love their family. I feel so blessed to be able to go into these peoples homes and be a part of their life in the most beautiful way.
The weather is really hot. Sometimes I would rather die than tract in 105 degree weather because then I would be in heaven. But I try not to think like that. I am looking forward to fall again, it cant come soon enough in my sweaty book.
Our apartment is semi-infested with black widows. We just had the place sprayed and we find dead 'creatures' all the time. Nasty.
I still love it though. I know that there is nothing better I could be doing with my life than this wonderful work of the Lords. I love you all. I miss you too!
love cain train.