Wednesday, April 23, 2008

up and out

Well we are having a busy week this week. Monday we attended the funeral of our Stake President Hadfield who died unexpectedly last week. He was only 57 years old. He was a really great man, and focused his life on serving the Lord. It was a really good service, and he will be missed. Then on Tuesday we spent the day doing service for Bro and Sis Perez. It is our favorite place to do service. We helped him paint and assemble a part of his shed. Today, P-day, we are going to go bowling with some of our zone. Then tomorrow we have a zone meeting of some kind, and we also need to begin packing. On Friday we will be moving to our new apartments that are cheaper but close by. Sandra's Baptism is final, and set for the 28th. Our ward mission leader wanted to change it because he is out of town. Sandra is really excited and so is Angelica. Our other investigator Jenn let us know that she is ready and she will have a date tonight hopefully. So things are good and busy. I could not be happier doing anything else. I love my mission, and I love the people here. I cant imagine my life with out them. Thanks for all your prayers. I love you.

love cain train.

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